Radical Change !!!

Reflections and Musings by April Davis

Archive for the tag “food journal”

The Journey Begins — Again

The situation has gotten out of control.

I’ve always been a big person, but I’ve never really felt fat. I’ve always been able to hold my own as a big girl when getting around and doing whatever I wanted.

Lately, things have changed. I feel myself slowing down, can’t do as much as I used to. I get tired doing simple things. One of my friends says it’s age. Some of it probably could be attributed to that, but the extra weight is the primary source.

I went grocery shopping yesterday and the five block walk home almost killed me. I actually had to stop and rest for a minute. After I got home, you would have thought that I did a workout the way I was sweating. NOT GOOD. Yes the bags were kind of heavy, but I should not have been sweating like I was.

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